BCU prepares for an eventful semester 

As classes begin, so do clubs, activities and athletics. From a resource fair to magicians, Briar Cliff offers a wide range of events and activities for their students and this fall semester is just the beginning.  


“Our fall athletics have just started and are all worth going to,” says Co-Sports Information Director and BCU alumni, Asi Tupua.  


In the upcoming weeks, a variety of different athletic events for students to enjoy in person or through Briar Cliff’s streaming service on the university’s athletics page. This year, streaming has become simple for users.  


“The Great Plains Athletic Conference launched the GPAC Network which allows viewers easy access to all athletic contests around the GPAC area,” says Tupua. The new network will be put to the test this week as there will be many Briar Cliff teams competing.  


Starting at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, men’s soccer takes on Bellevue University at Faber Field. They will play again on Saturday against Governors State in Sioux City.  


 The women’s varsity volleyball team will be competing at the Siouxland International tournament in North Sioux City, South Dakota, while the junior varsity team will be playing in Sioux City, Iowa. Each team will play both Friday and Saturday.  


The first football game of the season will also be this Saturday at 6:00 p.m. in Davenport, Iowa against Saint Ambrose.  


“As a student, I enjoyed going to the different sporting events with my teammates, but there is more to do here,” says Tupua. “As a freshman, I hosted a podcast and was a part of Cliff Network. Clubs allow you to network and meet all kinds of people.” 


Briar Cliff has many clubs that students can join whether they are a part of an athletics team or not. Wednesday, August 28th, the Student Organization and Resource Fair will be held in the Heelan Hall atrium from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for students to explore these groups and the events they put on.  


“Going to a variety of events and becoming part of a club helps you to feel connected to the university,” says Ashley Pawlowski, assistant director of residence life and director of student activities. “Class is important and so are academics, but the involvement you get from a club is also beneficial for your future experiences.”  


Clubs and extracurricular activities can also be put on resumes for future employers to see.  


“Clubs and activities help you to meet new people,” Pawlowski continues. “You can meet many people through classes and athletics, but you could meet your best friend in an unexpected place, like these events.”  


Pawloski asks students to keep an eye on the Briar Cliff Events Calendar and their emails for event updates. She hints that the week of Homecoming 2024: Boogie at Briar Cliff, September 30 to October 6, will be full of activities.  


Although the school year has just started, there is a wide range of events coming up for students to participate in. Below is a list of some events this semester in the arts and humanities department provided by Assistant Professor of Arts and Humanities, Anna Stokes: 

  • Writing, Translation, and Interpretation Center Open House, September 4 at 12pm, Heelan Hall 050 

  • Dr. Jeremy Owens in a Solo Piano Recital, September 5, 2024 at 6 pm. 

  • Chamber Music Recital—September 13, 2024 at 4 pm. 

  • Friday, September 20: Celebrando Siouxland Parade (Mariachi Las Cimas de Briar Cliff/Sing for Joy) 6:00 PM 

  • Sunday, September 22: Celebrando Siouxland performance (Mariachi Las Cimas de Briar Cliff) 

  • Tuesday, October 8: This Is Why We Sing (Cliff Singers/Sing for Joy); 7:00 PM; Chapel (parent/community reception to follow) 

  • Tuesday, December 3: Songs. Yule. Love. (Cliff Singers/Sing for Joy/Mariachi Las Cimas de Briar Cliff); 7:00 PM; Chapel (parent/community reception to follow) 

  • Sunday, December 15: Christmas at the Orpheum (Sioux City Symphony Orchestra, MLK Gospel Choir, Briar Cliff Singers); 3:00 PM; Orpheum Theater 

BCU Women's Soccer team took on the Central Methodist Eagles at Faber Field to kick off the semester on Saturday, August 17, 2024.


Rising flu cases cause concern at BCU as new academic year begins 


Briar Cliff hosts Health and Wellness Fair